23 March 2010

Phase 4

I haven't posted in a while mainly because I really haven't had any updates for my wild fan base. ;o) So, though it's not much, here's what I have for you...

I've moved on to phase 4 of the protocol, where I get to slowly add starches & sugars back in to my diet. So far I've been maintaining my weight loss really well. I'm a week in to phase 4 now, & I'm really looking forward to getting back to the weight loss portion of the protocol (phase 2). :)

I'm pretty sure I've said this before but, for a big girl, losing 34 pounds doesn't look like much. I'm just *so* ready to get to a point where I can start noticing a difference. All I see in the mirror right now is a leeetle bit smaller head on a still overly-large frame. I can understand why 34 pounds may not look like much of a difference, but when I think of the difference I'll see when I hit the 60 pound mark... that excites me!

Then maybe I can justify buying some new clothes. Maybe. It's hard to imagine spending a bunch of money on things for myself. I'm the crazy lady at the store who picks out something for herself & winds up putting it back (okay, so most of the time it doesn't actually make it back to its home), having talked myself out of it, if I spend too much time with it in my cart before it's time to pay for my purchases.

Am I the only one?


04 March 2010

Enjoyed My First Steak Day!

Okay, so not really. Because who really wants to be forced to drink water until you're floating, then for dinner force down as much steak as you can stomach!? Not me, I learned yesterday. Not me.

During this phase of the protocol, a.k.a. Phase 3 (P3, for all you hcg'ers), if you go more than 2.1 pounds over your last injection weight (LIW), you have to do what's called a "steak day". Drink as much water as you can stand all day, then for dinner you have the largest steak you can find along with an apple or a raw tomato. The next morning, you'll find yourself back where you need to be.

I admit it worked. Really well, actually. I was down 2.8 pounds this morning, which is .4 pounds below my LIW. Now I know my body can't handle the two bowls of broccoli cheese soup I naughtily ate the day before I wound up with a steak day. Good to know. Though I kind of already guessed it might be a problem.
